Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Autobot Mashup

I realized this morning that I had these sketches in my sketchbook from ages ago, and I've never uploaded them. So here they are... :D  
They're born from frustration over the crap designs from the Michael Bay Transformers movies. I LOATHED the Transformer designs in the film, and knew whole-heartedly that I could design something FAR more appealing in my sleep. So over a few months my sketchbook pages started to fill with drawings like these.. 

Yes.. You see a transformer redesign on a Dr. Who Dalek in there. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!!!! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. I like the Transdalek. Wonder if you could pitch that to the BBC as the next evolution of Daleks. It would even be plausible in canon, if the Daleks and Cybermen joined forces. THe core of the bot could still be the mutated Kaled, but learn the bipedal robotics from the Cybermen.
